Keep It Charged

Our daughter came over to our house with her 3 little kids on their EZ Go golf cart. When it was time for her to go home, she asked if I would follow her on my golf cart. When I asked her why, she said, well, that her battery charge, was really low and she wasn't sure if she'd make it home. During the drive back home the charge got so low that the lights were flashing - she made it home, but just barely.
Charging Deep Cycle Batteries
I asked her, how often do you charge your golf cart batteries? She responded after the charge is almost gone. She had the mistaken understanding that just like her laptop computer or cell phone, the batteries should be worn down first and then re-charged. But charging deep cycle batteries needs to be done after every use for optimal care of your batteries. Even if you only use it for 10 minutes or 9 holes.
This is especially important for those of you who live in a golf cart community like I do - many times we use our golf cart just for a few minutes each day to go to a neighbors house or to run to a store.
The worst thing you can do to your batteries is to let them sit in a hot garage without ever charging them.
Avoid running your golf cart on a low charge as this can be very hard on your batteries and can shorten their life span. Conversely, good golf cart battery charging practices can lead to to a longer lifespan.
Tips on Charging Deep Cycle Batteries and More
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Bill Degner
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